Report and Support


Call Security on 0141 548 2222 (Emergencies) or 3333

Welcome to Strathclyde’s online reporting facility.

A safe campus is everyone’s responsibility: staff, students and visitors. We all have a responsibility to report if someone’s safety has been threatened, whether that is through inappropriate behaviour, verbal or physical harassment, or other actions that make them feel unsafe, for example threatening posters, stickers or graffiti.

Please report, even if you think you don’t have enough information for us to take action immediately.

The information you give us on this form will be shared with a small group of University staff from Student Experience, Security and Human Resources areas who will assess how best the University can respond. The content of the form will be accessible only to a very limited group of staff. If you are a student, we will not share your report with your department unless you agree, or if there are very serious safety concerns.

Usually, a member of staff will contact you to discuss what can be done. We will not normally take action without consulting you and will not treat your report as a complaint until we have contacted you. If, however, there are serious safety and wellbeing concerns raised by your report we may need to take urgent action without asking you first.

  • Security staff can help if you are feeling unsafe
  • We can help you find appropriate support
  • We can investigate in cases where staff or students may have breached University discipline
  • We can help you contact other agencies that can help
  • We can help you register a complaint
  • We can look at University procedures and working practices to see if we can improve safety for you
  • We can record incidents and investigate where there is a pattern of problems

You don’t have to give your name, but this may limit the actions we can take and the support that can be offered to you. Your report will be recorded and reviewed and appropriate action taken.

You can use the online form to report a concern, or you can contact one of our reporting centres:

University Security, Level 1, Livingstone Tower, Richmond Street, Glasgow
Tel: 0141 548 3333 (open 24hrs)

Student Support services, Level 1 Floor, McCance Building, Richmond Street, Glasgow
Tel: 0141 548 4273/2753 (open 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday)

Disability and Wellbeing Service , Level 4, Graham Hills Building, George Street, Glasgow
Tel: 0141 548 3402 (open 9.30am to 4pm)

Strath Union Advice Hub, 90 John Street, Glasgow
Tel: 0141 567 5040 (drop-in 10am to 4pm)

To make an online report use the form below